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Updated: Apr 26

Welcome back to punk☆worl online magazine.

Today we'll be going through a haunting issue of punk☆worl online. We start off with our chilling Halloween gallery, then a written interview with 3rd Space, and finally our second playlist provided by Catavoid.



Punkworlxavi online :P Hi everyone!! Today I'm proud to present to you our first !Halloween Gallery! Hopefully the first of many lol. We'll be going through art by @danieldraw_what, @mightgosuperkai, and @f3lixakalalito, who are all very talented. I've sprinkled some of my art in there too anyway here's the gallery!!!


Cute 3D cats inspired by classic slasher villains, along with two other spooky submissions by Daniel.


for some killer photography. SUPERKAI combines photography and graphic design in order to get these chilling pictures.


Costumes, haunting art, dark photography, this guy has it all. Felix's influence from horror is year-round, Freaktober is when he thrives.

Thank you to all of the artists for submitting.



Here's the gallery in full...



and now a continuation of our interview with 3rd Space...


Two weeks ago I interviewed 3rd Space but a whole lot technical issues ate a big chunk out of the interview footage....but i still had some audio.

Before the video cuts off I asked 3rd space what inspires their performances. Roan mentions "I think about the cliche in pop culture of the little girl in front of her mirror with the hairbrush, singing one of her favorite songs. I did that and to do that for real is wild."

"I definitely had those moments, too" Contra adds "I do love to perform, what's really drawn me to it is it allows me to be the version of myself that I want to be, I guess. Maybe that sounds wrong, but I guess for me I've never felt like I can be myself. Performing allows me to channel that energy and express myself with the expectation that that's what I'm going to be doing. You know what I mean? In everyday life, people aren't expecting you to perform. But when you're doing a performance, obviously you're going to be performing. I feel like I take some comfort in that."

Colorwheel is an album currently being worked on by Roan and Superkai, I had to know what was up.


"It's fire, it's so hard to describe it. Roan and I hear music similarly in the sense that it's very colorful, I don't know how else to put it. But we're really trying to capture that essence in this project. We wanted to have a fun vibe, too, where even a kid could just bump this shit and think it's cool because it's just so colorful."


"I was literally gonna say it's very youthful in a way, where I feel like a kid could bump it and listen to it. I'm really happy about it so far. We're almost done with all the instrumentals. We've been writing the first leg of the album. I'm super stoked about it. There's a lot of discouragement because I made the beats in high school, I'd show them to people, but no one really cared that much, but then I remember I showed you (SUPERKAI) every single one, you were like 'bro this is crazy.' And that's so awesome. So for me, it's this discouragement that has become just the most encouraging thing ever. It helps I'm surrounded by people who are so encouraging to me, it's very near and dear to me. And Jason is crazy he's opening that shit up, it's insane."

Moving on to Contra and Griffin. How was it performing "All Time"? It was released earlier this month. How did it feel releasing it compared to being able to perform it live within the month?

"I actually performed it once before it was released. I think all time is a really special song. It talks about a certain time in my life, part of the chorus is 'I'll be fine for all time.' I made a little video for it and it's a little compilation of videos throughout my life. I think that it just speaks to what I wanted to encapsulate in that song is that I've been through all of these things, and we all go through hard times and good times, and that's just life. I will be fine for all time.

Anytime I perform that song, it just reminds me of that idea and I hope that comes across to the audience as well. It's my favorite song I've ever made, and I'm honored to have Griffin on it because I think we can both relate to the themes in the song."

"I'm always glad to be a part of any of these guys' music, but Connor's music is so emotionally visceral, I feel like stepping into that world is really cool. Performing with Connor is the best." Griffin adds.

It is named Colorwheel. What color do you think best represents the album as a whole?

SUPERKAI answers, "Rainbow." the group bursts out laughing. Roan adds "I got a better one, beige" The laughter only gets bigger.

Griffin Stone, what's it like working on two albums at the same time? Performing songs from both albums at the same show?

"That puts things into perspective for me because I've always knocked myself about not working hard enough on music, but now it's like oh shit I can perform two albums? That's a good feeling. It kinda sucks cuz if Sammy was here I could perform a lot of our album and I really enjoy that material. Also, Sammy is just so good. We have a great stage presence together. It's just a lot more fun because performing isn't necessarily fun, but more cathartic in a way because a lot of that stuff is very personal."

Roan, your set was a perfect segway from Contra to Colorwheel, and in a lot of ways very different from the others. What inspires your sound?

"I really like creating a soundscape firsthand. I just like doing that. It's for better or worse sometimes because sometimes things just end up too long. But I really like pads and synthesizers. I like drowning things in reverb. Just making these soundscapes like walls of noises and textures. I got into the post-punk genre like two or three years ago and I watch videos of performances and they'll just create these crazy walls of sound. I'm like this is crazy! So I find a website where you can see what gear they use, and I'm like 'Oh they're using these four pedals,' then I look up demos of those pedals on YouTube and I'm just like 'damn, this is sick I want this pedal. But it's like 300 dollars. Luckily, my uncle, Uncle Robert shout out. He's super into guitar. He started buying more pedals recently, and he lets me borrow them. His are crazy. So I just mess around with them."

Max, the head honcho of 3rd Space. From your perspective what is the future of 3rd Space?

"We're building everything from the ground up. It's about laying those first foundational stones. Bringing the 3rd space to a wider audience for a place to truly express themselves, we're starting here in Los Angeles, we trying to have a studio with an attached venue for events and art galleries. Think about it as a multimedia canvas. What we all stand for is we want to build this by being real from the start to the very end. I think that's what keeps us together as a collective and as friends. I guarantee you we will make something great out of this, where everyone can experience it."

Beautiful words from a beautiful collective. GO SUPPORT THIRD SPACE NOW!



hello, chillers! new mix featuring Le Tigre, Hole, and Bikini Kill! sample selection of music I listen to while cutting lettuce wedges at work, enjoy (^:

punkworlxavi here to sign off: see you in two weeks :)


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